Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This week we are exploring a new lesson in green foot. The lesson was creating our own working piano keyboard and getting our code to work. The biggest part of this task has been the small part of work we got to do with arrays. Arrays are a kind of code which allows the user to out put a large amount of data through little code. The piano was put into a few steps which allowed for easier learning of the new lesson. The hardest part of creating this code was getting the black keys to appear and work. The code was not given to you so you needed to take the white key code and manipulate it to take in a new image and new sounds so that it takes the form and sound of the black keys. This took the longest of all the lessons but as the final stage in the lesson it was very frustrating but in the end I finally got it to work with the other keys which was the main problem I had been having.

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