Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 1-2

                              The first week of Computers involved a run through of the semester and what we would be doing for assignments and tests. We also received information on our ISU(Independent study unit). Our ISU is a one person project about a new piece of technology or something related to technology that would be cool or unique to present. I have decided to do mine on Bit Coins which is a form of currency.

                  We where told about the programs and languages we would be learning and the first one was Java script. The program we are learning Java on at this time is Green Foot which is a simplified program that allows an easier access and understanding of how java works. We where given a tutorial and a copy of the program which we saved to our private drives on the school system. We started using Green Foot by going through the set tutorials that were given. The first one involved learning the basics and a tour of the program that we use to code. The second tutorial we learned was one that involved creating a game with a crab and a lobster. The object of the tutorial was to make a user interface for the crab, and create a sort of pac-man like game style.

                   The newest project we have been given is homework that involves creating a hero versus villain game similar to the crab game, but more complex coding lines and problems that would need to be solved. We have been given another day to try and complete the set homework.

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